Sunday, 25 August 2013

Back to School Essentials: Part 1

I'm hopefully going to post my favourites post at the end of August so it will be a summer favourites. First though here is a post in preparation for going back to school. 

This is part 1 of my essentials which is mainly stationary type things and part 2 will be up soon and will be beauty and generally useful things.

Before I start, I'm just going into Year 12 (the first year of sixth form) and I am doing four subjects, psychology, drama, history and further maths. So that's what all these essentials are for mainly but you could adapt them to whatever you are doing.

The first essential is a pencil case. This is a really obvious one but also a really important one. My pencil case is a Disney princess one which a friend bought me for my birthday because I love Disney princesses.

In my pencil case I have a few more essentials, I have ruler, a multi-coloured pen, two black biros, two pencils, a rubber, a pencil sharpener, some paperclips and some mini highlighters. Most of these things are basic stationary apart from the multi-coloured pen and highlighters which I find useful for making important notes or emphasising information.

The next essential is a spiral notebook. This is just for taking notes in class because I know most of my classes don't give us exercise books however if you do get exercise books then you can use those and use a notebook for homework. Mine has a seaside pattern on the front because I think plain notebooks are a bit dull.

My next essential is ring binders. I have four of these, one for each subject, to keep everything in like notes, homework and hand-outs. Ring binders are great for keeping things organised. I chose ones with different fun designs on so I can tell which binder is for which subject easily.

Another great essential for staying organised is a diary or planner. The best ones to get are academic or mid-year diaries because they start and end in august. Its great to have some sort of diary or planner so that you can write down exam dates or homework deadlines and keep your life organised. Mine also has a timetable page at the front so that I can write down when my lessons are.

My final essential is a scientific calculator. Obviously this is only for people who are doing a maths subject like I am. Mine is a bright pink one which I've had for two years.
Also, you will need some sort of bag to put all of these stuff in. The best ones to get are ones with pockets or sections to help organise everything. You also want one that is quite big to fit all your stuff in but not too big because you've got to carry it around with you. I still need to buy mine but I love backpacks like this one from New Look.
Image 1 of New Look Blue Floral Backpack
Lastly, a few other nice things to have are: flash cards to help you learn important dates or terms, hole reinforcements to stop pages ripping and falling out your binders, dividers and wallets to seperate your work an keep it neat and a USB stick to back up your files and make it easier to transfer files from home to school.
Toodles! x

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Liebster Award!!!

Patricia from Felice Mai Dopo has been absolutely lovely and kindly nominated for a Liebster award! When I first read that she'd nominated this blog, I had no idea what that meant so I clicked the link and went to her blog to find out what it meant. Basically, the Liebster award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers to help spread the word about new blogs.

The rules (as I understand them)

1. Link back to the lovely blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer 11 questions from that same lovely blogger.
3. Nominate 11 more bloggers for the award and leave them 11 questions.
4. You can write 11 random facts about yourself but you don't have to.

The questions I was set

1. Who is your favourite author and why? - This is quite hard because I haven't read anything other than school things recently but I think I'm going to say Roald Dahl. I know he's a child's author but I think his books are so funny and imaginative and because they are aimed at children there are no complicated drama's so I can escape from real life for a bit.

2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? - America definitely, probably LA.

3. Who is somebody you look upto or admire? - There are a few for different aspects in my life. The first is Louise from Sprinkleofglitter because she is just such a lovely and bubbly person, the second one is Carrie Hope Fletcher from ItsWayPastMyBedTime because she is very down-to-earth and her videos have some great advice in and the last one is One Direction because I am a massive fan of theirs and I think they are all so lovely and down-to-earth and just living the dream.

4. Grab the nearest book, turn to page 27, what's the first full line on that page? How well does it fit in with your life right now? - The book I grabbed was Shopaholic Abroad by Sophie Kinsella and the line was "And I'm just reaching into my bag for my purse," (the sentence is four lines long so I'll stop there). This fits quite well with my life right now because I have recently been shopping loads and plan to go again soon so I have spent most of my money (oops) and keep reaching for my purse.

5. Who knows you best in life? - My best friend because I tell pretty much everything and I've known her so long we don't even have to talk to know what we are thinking.

6. What's your favourite memory? - Lunchtimes at school with my six best friends because they were hilarious and I love them so much, they are like sisters to me.

7. What's your earliest memory? - Nearly sharpening my finger in pre-school because I didn't know what the sharpener was so I stuck my finger in it but somebody stopped me before I hurt myself.

8. What's your dream beauty product? - I wasn't sure whether this meant real products or not so I went for Urban Decay's Naked Palette because it is gorgeous but way too expensive for me.

9. If you could change anything about your life what would it be? - Probably where I live because its nice but I'd much rather be in America. the only thing is I love my friends and everything else I have here so I'd have to take them all with me.

10. Do you want to be married? Why/why not? - Yes, eventually. I don't know why though, it's just something I've always imagined I would do.

11. How is your day? - Great, thanks for asking.

The blogs I nominate

1. things the books forgot
2. My Pretty Pastel Blog
3. Dorky, Fizzy and Quirky Stuff
4. Trendy On A Budget
5. Sarahoyyy
6. coco mykel
7. Stylish England

The questions for you

1. How are you today?
2. What's the best piece of advice or quote you've ever heard?
3. What's your favourite song right now?
4. Do you ever want to have kids?
5. If you had unlimited money what would you do with it?
6. What's your biggest fear?
7. Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?
8. What is something you couldn't live without
9. Do you prefer summer or winter? Why?
10. What's your favourite thing in your wardrobe?
11. What's your favourite shop?

Sorry if I have nominated anyone that has already been nominated. Thank you to Patricia for nominating me and I hope everyone enjoys doing this post.

Toodles! x

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Disney Summer Outfits

So first things first, I'm back! I have internet again and that means I can blog! I have loads of posts planned so look out for those coming soon but in the meantime, today's post.

I was looking through my old posts and this was in my drafts so I thought I'd share it with you.

A while a go I got a pinterest account (thePureAllure if you want to follow me, hint, hint!) and I am still obsessed with it. Not long after I created an account I found some pins of various character inspired outfits so I decided to have a go at my own.

I'm sorry but I can't remember where things are from but I think they are on my Polyvore. Also they might not be in stock anymore because I made these a while ago. Let me know what you think of these and I might do some more if you like them.
Toodles! x

Friday, 2 August 2013

Another Apology

I'm sorry I didn't finish the 30 Day Snap and I haven't posted anything for ages but I've been really busy and I haven't had time. Also, last week my laptop broke so I was going to do a July favourites post but couldn't because my laptop wouldn't let me and now I'm going away for a week without internet. After that I'm back for a day and then off away for another week probably without Internet as well. So I will try and do a favourites post but it might have to be July and August combined, sorry. I will hopefully speak to you guys soon and comment any post suggestions you have. 

Toodles! x