Monday, 1 April 2013

Stuff I really should do

First of all I'm sorry. I know I said I was going to upload more often and I haven't. I'm really sorry, I've got no real excuses I've just been really busy. And I'm sorry but for the next few months posts won't be frequent becasue I have loads of exams and things coming up, sorry. Now I've said all that, onto the post!!!

The other day I found a lovely blog called Be Beautiful and one of her most recent posts was called What I want to do and was just a list of 5 things she wanted to do. I thought it was a great idea so decided to do my own so here it is.

1. Finishing sorting my room
2. Be better at getting up in the morning
3. Manage my money better
4. Take better care of my hair
5. Do more exercise

Feel free to tell me your five things in the comments and go and check out Be Beautiful!

Toodles! x


  1. i really love your blog <3 you've just got a new follower!

    could you follow mine please?

    thanks again lovely x

    1. thank you so much <3
      of course I'll follow your blog x
