Tuesday, 4 June 2013

30 Day Snap

Sorry my last post wasn't my usual style I just needed to vent and I thought what better place than my little corner of the internet. I also just released I forgot to say toodles at the end!!!!! Hopefully everything will be back to normal now. Anyway, on with the post.

Today is my first photo for Sprinkle Of Glitter's 30 Day Snap. It's meant to start on the first of June but I completely forgot about so I thought better late than never.

This is a photo of the gorgeous view out of my bedroom window earlier on this bright sunny day. I absolutely love my view and feel so lucky to have such a lovely one of fields instead of just buildings.

Toodles! x


  1. Hey Laura I just found your blog it's amazing cant believe you had it all this time! We need to talk blogging sometime!

    1. Thank you so much! I love your blog so that would be amazing haha x
