Sunday, 19 May 2013

People Are So Arrogant

Sorry I've been rubbish at posts, I've got loads of exams and I'm doing loads of revising and coursework. Everything's just really busy.

Anyway, some the exams I have are science and history and while I was revising I started thinking, we are quite arrogant. I don't mean each individual one of us, I mean humans as a whole. Let me explain.

We always think we are right. When a scientist makes a new discovery, if there's enough evidence people just assume it's right. But in 20 years time the discovery could be proved wrong and everyone would laugh at how stupid the idea was. For example, in history we are doing about medicine. The cavemen thought that illness and disease was caused by spirits so their cures mainly consisted of getting the evil spirit out of the diseased person which usually involved smashing their head in (literally). Now most of us think that the idea of evil spirits causing disease is ridiculous and smashing someone's head in is definitely not going to help and most of us probably laugh at the idea. However, back then they genuinely believed that and they saw no reason why it could be wrong.

Now some of you may be thinking that they were prehistoric so they obviously didn't know any better and so it doesn't count but it happens all the way through history. A scientific discovery is made and a theory produced, everyone fully believes it and laughs at those before them who didn't. Until one day a discovery is made that disproves the theory and people wonder why it was ever believed in the first place. It's like a never ending cycle.

One of my history teacher's favourite things to say is "we know now that they were wrong". He says it as if the people in the past were stupid when actually they weren't they were just like you or me. We may know that they were wrong but how do we know that we are right, we don't. It really annoys me because in a few hundred years we'll be the people in the past that will be ridiculed for our beliefs and discoveries but we have no reason to doubt them now so we don't. Overall, we are so arrogant and just think we know everything and that we are always right but we not and we never will be.

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